2020 Bike Rack Update
Bike racks will NO LONGER be available for runners. Please plan to ride the bus or carpool.
Runners Packets will have detailed Bus Stop Information.
We strongly encourage and promote the usage of the complimentary shuttle buses (The B). The B shuttles are a COURTESY of the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority and are the most effective method of transportation to your starting position. Be aware that not all Beach to Bay legs have bus service.

Please keep in mind that race day traffic will be heavy, so please expect delays and try to be understanding. Any disrespect towards any shuttle operator or CCRTA employee, race official, runner, spectator or Beach to Bay representative will NOT be tolerated. Your team will be disqualified immediately if such behavior occurs! In other words, don’t be a jerk!
As with all public transportation, buses run on a schedule, do not show up late and expect to be given a ride. Remember, that traffic congestion will be bad due to amount of vehicles sharing the roadways. Expect this and be understanding on your return trip on the buses.
Parents of minor children running the Beach to Bay Relay Marathon are welcome to ride along. Please remember that there is no bus transportation to McCaughan Park for the After Race Party.
Arriving early is crucial!
More LEG Info
Race Day Bus Instructions
Leg 1
Is there bus service for Leg #1? Yes!
Where do I park and board the bus?
The Sunrise Mall (5858 South Padre Island Dr) located at Airline Rd and South Padre Island Dr.
What time do I board the bus for leg #1?
4:45 a.m. until 5:15 a.m.
Will the buses pick me up to return?
Yes, The Sunrise Mall (5858 South Padre Island Dr) located at Airline Rd and South Padre Island Dr.
Please remember that traffic will delay the buses returning from the island. We thank you for your patience and understanding in advance.(The Sunrise Mall and Sears has graciously provided parking for this year’s Beach to Bay Shuttles for Legs (1) and (2). When parking at the Sunrise Mall, you will be directed where to park by security personnel. DO NOT PARK IN ANY BARRICADED AREAS! Your vehicle will be towed away!).
Can I ride & park my bike to Leg #1?
NO, there will not be a secure & guarded area to store your bicycle.
Leg 2
Is there bus service for Leg #2? Yes!
Where do I board the bus?
The Sunrise Mall (5858 South Padre Island Dr) located at Airline Rd. and South Padre Island Drive.
What time do I board the bus service Leg #2?
5:15 a.m. until 6:00 a.m.
Will the buses pick me up to return?
Yes the bus will return you to The Sunrise Mall (5858 South Padre Island Dr) located at Airline Rd and South Padre Island Dr.
Please keep in mind that traffic will be bad returning from Leg #2. We thank you for your patience in advance. (The Sunrise Mall and Sears has graciously provided parking for this year’s Beach to Bay Shuttles for Legs (1) and (2). When parking at the Sunrise Mall, you will be directed where to park by security personnel. DO NOT PARK IN ANY BARRICADED AREAS! Your vehicle will be towed away!).
Can I ride & park my bike to Leg #2?
NO, there will not be a secure & guarded area to store your bicycle.
Leg 3
Is there bus service for Leg #3?
Where do I board the bus?
Security Drive just off of First National Drive in Flour Bluff adjacent to the Flour Bluff Post Office.
What time do I board the bus for Leg #3?
6:30 a.m. until 6:45 a.m.
Will the buses pick me up to return?
No!, Leg #3 ends at NAS Dr & Waldron Road by F&T Body Shop and you are within walking distance to the designated parking behind Compton Road
Parking and security will be available for runners at the various designated empty lots behind Compton Road.
Leg 4
Is there bus service for start of Leg #4?
No! There is no bus service to the start of Leg #4. You are within walking distance to your starting point. However designated parking and security are available off of Security Drive just off of First National Drive in Flour Bluff.
Is there bus service after I complete Leg#4?
Where do I board the bus after completing Leg #4?
There is a designated area for boarding the bus adjacent to the Naval Air Station’s North Gate and the bus will return you to the designated parking near First National Drive and Security Drive.
For the return trip please board the bus at the NAS Corpus Christi North Gate. Remember that the buses will be allocated for your return trips as they become available. The buses may get tied up in traffic, so please keep this in mind and be patient.
Leg 5
Is there bus service to leg #5?
Yes! There is bus service to leg #5. Parking is available at Texas A&M University on Ocean Dr. Bus Shuttle Service will take you to the NAS North Gate, which is your hand off location.
Where do I board the bus?
Texas A&M University on Ocean Dr
What time does bus service begin for Leg #5?
The bus service schedule for leg #5 will begin from 8:00 a.m. until 8:45 a.m. Buses for leg #5 will begin as soon as buses become available from transporting runners to legs (1) and (2)
Will the buses pick me up to return?
No there is no bus service to take you back to Texas A&M University; however carpooling with your fellow teammates is encouraged. Have a plan!
Special Instructions for Leg #5-For runners of Leg #5 park at the designated parking located at Texas A&M University only! This is the only place that has been assigned for Runners of Leg #5.
Leg 6
Is there bus service to leg #6?
No, there is no bus service for leg #6.Carpooling with your fellow teammates is encouraged.Have a plan in advance!